Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Real True ABout Foreclosures

The Foreclosure BOOM is upon us with foreclosures across the country up 72% over last year and likely hitting over 1,200,000 this year alone!
The potential for profit-making from the Foreclosure BOOM is astounding, but only those persons who are diligent enough to keep up-to-date on the latest, most "real" real estate business and investor techniques will achieve success.

When foreclosures hit your neighborhood. . that is when you finally realize the extensive problem hitting our country right now. The giant sucking sound that Ross Perot refer to a few years back.. .it is the loss of equity that neighbors experience when a house similar to theirs has gone belly up. It is estimated that there will be a loss of billions of dollars from these foreclosures and will take years to recuperate from. Even local governments will lose millions of dollars in tax revenue and the increase of policing and handling these houses will cause their revenues to drop significantly.

Look at the frustration of some people after being foreclosed.

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