Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Gloom , The Doom and the Boom

The Gloom – The Doom & The Boom

Where are we now? The gloom?, The doom? or the boom?. If you are in Real estate like me, how many times have we missed out on a property because we over analyzed it and suspected something was wrong to find out months later it was a no brainier.

We are coming off from an amazing real estate boom. Things were really good for some of us that took our roles as an investor a little further that the normal . . “Accidental Investor” These are investors that made a very good return. . accidentally buying their own homes.

Are you mentally ready and prepared to see what’s ahead? Are you going to be panicking and react to the gloom in the industry right now? I know of several agents in my own office that share this sentiment and twirl around the gloomy news.

Your success as an investor solely depends in your core strategy, in other words. . what are you laser –like too? Concentrating in one area that will intensify your efforts just like a laser light. . the same energy that lights up the room where you are sitting now. . will be thousands of times more powerful when you turn it to a single bean of light. Are you over-reaching for everything and missing the diamonds on the rough?. Despite if what you hear from your neighbors, co-workers and the news. . . it is important to understand that there will always be an active market. .there will always be new people buying homes.There will always be investors making money selling real estate just because they bought it low and sold it high. Concentrating in your expertise will allow you better opportunities.

To emphasize this point. .let’ put as an example a property that we advertised a few weeks ago as a fixer upper. . I had several investors called in and were given the chance to look at the property. It was a rehab.(for reasons of confidentiality, I can’t disclose details about this property at this time) but needless to say this house will be closing in a few days. . .The repairs are in order and the best part . . I lined up a family of 3 patiently waiting to purchase this home possible giving the lucky investors a profit that will rival a teachers yearly salary. .all because the investor has taken a chance.

The old adage continues to be true. . you make your money the day. .you buy it!

If you will be so careful and have to be exactly perfect before you’ll buy it . . don’t expect great results.Winning the real estate game is not about buying the most properties . . is not about taking advantage of some poor soul’s down in their luck financial situation . .is not about the seminar with a self proclaimed guru where you shell out $ 700 dollars for a real estate course that keeps you busy with what ifs. . but nothing really on substance.

Winning at this game is simply creating an implementing an strategic plan that will focus on your own God given talents.

Stop listening to your Father in Law, your best friend or your sister’s husband. They have FREE advice only based on their own fears. . .You are better off meditating for 10 minutes and listening to your own self. . knowing you fears . . working them out and more importantly, mapping your course by focusing on your own strengths.

Have a Wonderful Day!

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small steps."

~ David Lloyd George (Former Prime Minister Of England)

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