When it comes to purchasing foreclosures with private money. .
lenders have already established their guidelines
I can assure you that one of those guidelines is not just YOUR CREDIT SCORE
Lenders know when a good deal comes across and they are willing to overlook your credit score. .
Lenders know when a good deal comes across and they are willing to overlook your credit score. .
You can use their funds for your own deals while doing this means you profit by taking a chance and doing your homework to invest in the right property.
Can you do this alone. . yes,
But the question is WHY?
We don't charge buyers to help them find a home and the financing. . we do it all.
But I warn you. . asked us for a rebate from our commission from the seller and we will politely tell you good bye. .
Yes, our services will be more valuable than working with someone that HAS TO PAY YOU TO WORK WITH THEM!
One of our latest successes ?. .
A condo purchase that will make positive cash flow in a monthly basis for a retiree. . .is like HAVING ANOTHER SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK MONTH AFTER MONTH!!
They are Happy !
We Are Happy!
and now. . we are just waiting for YOUR CALL!
If you are serious getting started. .
only one place to go. .
OUR FRESH foreclosure list for Montgomery County is the only place where you will find
every single foreclosure that comes in the market as it happens!.. not the same day. .THE SAME HOUR!
Check This Site Often
We are bank owned experts in Montgomery and Frederick County Maryland ... Click on the banner below to see the very LATEST Foreclosures Listed in Montgomery and Frederick Counties
Fernando Herboso| Carlos Herboso
(Short Sales ) (Foreclosures)
"Your Montgomery County Foreclosure Connection"
Our real estate knowledge is always up-to-date. For expertise you can depend on, call us when you have questions about the market or are ready to make a significant move. . .
"Quality representation is not expensive, its priceless! "
We are THE EQUALIZERS for regular buyers out there competing with professional investors
We are specialists in Foreclosures & Short Sales
Herboso & Associates llc
Office 240.898.1848
Fernando's Cell 240.426.5754
Carlos's Cell 240.671.5542
Fax 888.913.3535
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